Monday, March 29, 2010

Why so little about my personal life?

There are innumerable blogs on which the author chronicles their daily life, and I try to stay away from that on here. To be honest I thought about starting this off by using the literary device of saying a reader asked me I don't about my personal life much at all, prompting this response. But since my reader knows they didn't ask me that I was afraid of getting called on it and losing you. So I am admitting that this is unsolicited just like everything else on here.

In a nutshell I don't because I don't consider it important and because its personal. Everything I write I write because I think it’s important. I am not saying I think I am worthless of that no one cares because I know that's not true. I just don't think it’s the best use of my time. I want my reader to engage their mind thinking about ideas. I don't see how the individual ins and outs and ups and downs of my life will accomplish that where as what I do might.

When I think of the writers who have really influenced me, like Plato, Edmund Bruke, Livy, Patrick Henry, Niccolo Machiavelli, Adam Smith, Kim du Toit, Jean-Jacques Rousseau, Victor Davis Hanson and yes, even Karl Marx* (*Note: not everyone is one the list because I agree with them,) none of them did so by cataloging their day to day life. They wrote about ideas that made me think. Thanks what I want to do for you the reader.

In the end, you will get to know who I am far better than if I gave you every detail anyway.

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